There are two exciting developments to share with you

1) We’ve located a home for the Boulder Alano Club.  We’re in lease negotiations now and we expect the lease to be finalized by mid-April.  We’ll let you know as soon as the ink is dry!

2) We’ve engaged an interim Boulder Alano Club Board of Directors.  Once we get Club memberships going and we have at least 100 members, we will elect the permanent board (there are term lengths for each board position)  Here’s our interim Board:

  • Board Chair, Sheila P.
  • Board Co-Chair, Brad B.
  • Treasurer and Finance Committee Chair, Julie I.
  • Secretary, Bob K.
  • Legal/Organizational, Ira G.
  • Development, Karen B.
  • Fundraising Committee, Honor A.
  • Construction Committee, Gary M., Mike J.,Mike A., Tim M.
  • Directors at Large, David H., Mark E.

If you’re interested in volunteering to chair additional committees – Membership, Operations/Facilities, Liaison  or volunteer on any of the committees, please respond below.

In our next post, we’ll describe what membership means, and how to join.  We’ll also describe the Capital Fundraising we’re starting to fund the club opening.

If you have any questions, please let us know by submitting a comment.

Yours in service – Sheila P.